Monday, 21 December 2009

Liam O'Carrolls Empire Crumbles For a Song

Apparently the banks will be soon selling off over 500 apartments built by Liam O'Carroll in Tallaght. Word on the street is that these will have no reserve and that the apartments could go for as little as 100K.

Who would have thought it as little as 18 Months ago?

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Is David Beggs position untenable?

If David Begg (Irish Congress of Trade Unions) is a member of the Central Bank board that votes FOR pay cuts, yet campaigns AGAINT pay cuts for public sector workers does that make him a hippocrite? See this thread

If he blames bankers and government for the mess we are in how can he justify his position seeing he was chairman of the central banks audit committee?

In addition his salary has been estimated at minimum €210,000 making him one of the "Fat cats" that apparently are not in touch with the common people.

There are too many conflicts of interest for a man in his position. Apparently one man was (angry/brave/stupid) enough to speak out...

Expect a change in David Begg's lifestyle after Christmas...

Friday, 18 December 2009

BOSI layoffs

Bank of Scotland Ireland are to lay off up to 40 staff by April. The move will lead to the closure some smaller offices.
Expect more bad news from other banks after christmas bankrupt?

Is bankrupt?
Cashflow problems at the parent company Benchmark Fleet Services may have led to the rapid change of address from Estuary house to Europa Campus. During the sudden move they seem to have lost their old phone number, and probably some post. Its certainly one way to keep creditors at bay. For a little while.
In addition there seems to be a fire sale of assets to keep the company afloat and the guys are doing everything they can to bring in cash.
Watch this space....

AIB restructuring

AIB is to sell off its US bank portfolio as part of its NAMA recapitalisation and restructuring plan submitted to the EU for approval.
It seems like AIB may fail to benefit from any end of recession bounce in the US banking stocks.

Coroners court keeping cash?

Whispers abound that the Dublins Coronors Court has been collecting money for loved ones death certificates and related documentation for years but it has not passing it to the State coffers. Hmm I wonder where that cash is going.....

Forestry Funding Falls

Even the green euro is under pressure amid this recession!
The funds options are
(a) Delay start of work until the full 2M can be raised
(b)Start with less than 2M and see if things can be done cheaper or on a smaller scale.
(c)Return the cash to the investors.
I suspect that a then b are options, but NOT c.
Here is a link that might be of interest

Leaseplan broke

I see that LEASEPLAN CAPITAL LIMITED has gone into liquidation. With all the turmoil in the motoring industry these days its little wonder. Car Leasing is not a good business nowadays. I wonder who will be next?

First Post

Hi all,
Here I attempt to post up rumours that I hear that may be of interest to others. Not every rumour is 100% completely true but then there is merit in the saying that there is no smoke without fire. So if I hear something and following a little research if it passes the 'very probable' test Ill publish it. I'd say that I would like to get to the point where most of my rumours will turn out to be true over time.
I am always happy to pass on rumours so if anyone wants me to post something just drop me a line. But you must remember that anything I post must be independently verifiable to some extent or I will not post it.